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What Should I Do to Prepare for Male Breast Reduction?

Many men struggle with gynecomastia, a condition that gives the appearance of enlarged male breasts due to excess tissue development. Male breast development often leads to feelings of self-consciousness and concern, with many patients wishing for a flatter and more masculine chest contour. At Holzman Plastic Surgery, board-certified plastic surgeon Steven Holzman, MD understands how gynecomastia can affect a patient’s confidence and is considered a top provider of plastic surgery for men in the Austin area. He recognizes how male breast reduction can provide patients with their desired aesthetic look.

Before pursuing male breast reduction surgery, patients should ideally:

These factors can help contribute to a successful procedure, safe recovery process, and satisfactory results. Additional preparatory guidance can be provided after the initial consultation once Dr. Holzman has had a chance to evaluate your health history and develop a custom treatment plan to address your goals.

A patient’s specific needs, goals, and the severity (or “grade”) of gynecomastia can determine which male breast reduction method(s) may provide the best approach. For patients dealing with pseudogynecomastia, or stubborn fat accumulation in the chest region, liposuction can be utilized. The popular technique can help reduce breast volume by removing fatty tissue. Liposuction can be combined with glandular breast tissue reduction surgery to address both surplus glandular and fatty tissue. With body contouring treatments, excess skin can be removed and remaining tissue sculpted for optimal results.

For more information on male breast reduction surgery, contact our office to schedule a consultation.