BOTOX® Cosmetic

Over time, our facial skin begins to develop lines and wrinkles due to aging, repeated facial expressions, genetics, and various other lifestyle and environmental factors. Depending on the location and severity of these lines and wrinkles, neurotoxin injectables like BOTOX® Cosmetic can often be an excellent solution for smoothing the skin and achieving a natural-looking, rejuvenated appearance. Our Austin plastic surgeon—Steven Holzman, MD—is a skilled and experienced injector, and he can help you obtain the anti-aging results you desire with BOTOX® Cosmetic. 

What Is BOTOX® Cosmetic?

BOTOX® Cosmetic is a purified protein form of botulinum toxin type A that can reduce the appearance of forehead lines and creases, “11” lines between the eyebrows, “crow’s feet” at the corners of the eyes, and “bunny lines” beside the nose. Specially formulated to relax muscular hyperactivity, BOTOX® injections work by temporarily preventing movement of the specific muscles responsible for lines, wrinkles, and creases in the targeted treatment area, thereby creating a smoother, rejuvenated look on the surface of the skin. 


What Are the Benefits of BOTOX® Cosmetic?

BOTOX® Cosmetic is primarily used to treat the appearance of wrinkles, producing a more relaxed, youthful appearance. Since it is a non-surgical treatment, recovery time is typically quite minimal, and there is a reduced risk of side effects since no incisions or anesthesia are needed. Many patients also use BOTOX® Cosmetic as a preventative treatment due to its ability to halt wrinkle production. By proactively addressing wrinkles and other common signs of facial aging, patients are often able to delay the age at which they may otherwise be considering a surgical facelift or brow lift

What Is the Procedure Like for BOTOX® Injections?

Dr. Holzman custom-tailors BOTOX® Cosmetic injections to meet the specific needs and goals of each patient. During treatment, the selected product will be carefully administered into targeted muscles within the area(s) of concern using an ultra-fine needle. The majority of individuals experience little to no discomfort apart from a slight “pinching” sensation due to Dr. Holzman’s gentle technique, though a topical numbing agent and/or cold compress can be utilized to further improve comfort. 

On average, BOTOX® Cosmetic injections take approximately 15–20 minutes to complete, and most patients are able to return to normal, non-strenuous daily activities as soon as they leave our practice. To help promote optimal results, however, exercise and certain vigorous activities should be avoided for at least four to six hours. Unlike some dermal fillers, results will not be immediately apparent, but rather gradually become visible over the course of a few days.

Are There Side Effects of BOTOX® Cosmetic?

Following treatment with BOTOX® Cosmetic, some minor swelling and/or bruising may be experienced at the injection site(s), but these symptoms are temporary and should resolve relatively quickly. Other potential side effects can include discomfort, infection, and paralysis of nearby muscles; however, the risk of these issues occurring is significantly reduced when treatment is performed by a skilled and experienced injector, such as Dr. Holzman.

How Long Do the Results of BOTOX® Cosmetic Last?

On average, the results of BOTOX® Cosmetic tend to last about three to four months, at which point touch-up injections can be received to maintain an optimal aesthetic. That said, routine BOTOX® injections can yield a long-term reduction in wrinkle formation and wrinkle deepening. 

How Much Do BOTOX® Injections Cost?

The cost of treatment with BOTOX® Cosmetic will depend on several different factors, including how many units are administered and the number/severity of aesthetic concerns being addressed. During a consultation, Dr. Holzman can provide a personalized price quote after developing a treatment plan based on your unique needs and cosmetic desires.

Book a Consultation

If you are interested in BOTOX® Cosmetic, Dr. Holzman will tailor a treatment regimen just for you. Simply contact our office today to schedule your consultation.